Implementing light version
To establish a trust-transfer ecosystem you need to follow a few simple steps, and once the system is operational, utilizing the tool poses no complexity or maintenance requirements.
First of all, download and install trust-transfer connector selecting the OS that you want to use and follow the instruction for the installation.
Once the installation is completed, the trust-transfer Monitor will open automatically . The first page will be a Wellcome page that will guide you through the configuration process, that's as simple as these three steps:
You're ready to use trust-transfer
Note that your Partner should do the same to start sending and receiving communications because he receives a similar mail, but please have in mind that your Partner's Serial Number Registration and the configuration file are not the same, each of you will receive a different set of keys and addresses.
You'll be sharing only the installation key (that you can see at the end of the email subject) , and you can use it to refer to the email to know that both are using the right set of mails for the installation.
trust-transfer version
Light vs Full
We offer two versions according to your needs. The light version can be implemented and used freely. The full version includes necessary functionalities for intensive use.
The NFT is implemented as an ERC-721 token with custom modifications:
The Starter AND the Partner can exchange tokenized data to the other party.
Once the NFT is created the information can not be changed anymore, only new NFTs can be generated.
The creator can add Digital Wallet Address/es of the contract/s to create the right distribution model.